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Aglomera.Linkage Namespace

Public classAverageLinkageTInstance
Implements the unweighted pair-group average method or UPGMA, i.e., returns the mean distance between the elements in each cluster.
Public classCentroidLinkageTInstance
Implements the centroid linkage clustering method, i.e., returns the distance between the centroid for each cluster (a mean vector).
Public classCompleteLinkageTInstance
Implements the maximum or complete-linkage clustering method, i.e., returning the maximum value of all pairwise distances between the elements in each cluster. The method is also known as farthest neighbor clustering.
Public classMinimumEnergyLinkageTInstance
Implements the minimum (energy) E-distance method that minimizes a joint between-within measure of distance between clusters.
Public classSingleLinkageTInstance
Implements the minimum or single-linkage clustering method, i.e., returns the minimum value of all pairwise distances between the elements in each cluster. The method is also known as nearest neighbor clustering.
Public classWardsMinimumVarianceLinkageTInstance
Implements Ward's minimum variance method, i.e., returns the total within-cluster variance, corresponding to a weighted squared distance between cluster centers.
Public interfaceILinkageCriterionTInstance
An interface for agglomeration (linkage) methods for computing distance between clusters to be used during agglomerative clustering.