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Aglomera.Evaluation.External Namespace

Public classCombinedExternalCriterionTInstance, TClass
Public classFMeasureTInstance, TClass
Evaluates the given partition according to the F-measure, i.e., it measures the accuracy of the clustering by measuring the percentage of decisions that are correct (true positives + true negatives).
Public classNormalizedMutualInformationTInstance, TClass
Evaluates the given partition according to the normalized mutual information criterion that measures the amount of information by which our knowledge about the classes increases when we are told what the clusters are.
Public classPrecisionTInstance, TClass
Evaluates the given partition according to the precision criterion, given by the percentage of true positives over all positives.
Public classPurityTInstance, TClass
Evaluates the given partition according to the purity criterion, where each cluster is assigned to its most frequent class, and then the accuracy of this assignment is measured by counting the number of correctly assigned instances and dividing by the total number of instances.
Public classRandIndexTInstance, TClass
Evaluates the given partition according to the Rand index, i.e., it measures the accuracy of the clustering by measuring the percentage of decisions that are correct (true positives + true negatives).
Public classRecallTInstance, TClass
Evaluates the given partition according to the recall criterion, given by the percentage of true positives over all relevant cases (true positives + false negatives).
Public interfaceIExternalEvaluationCriterionTInstance, TClass
Represents an interface for external criteria to evaluate how well the result of AgglomerativeClusteringAlgorithmTInstance matches the classification of instances according to a set of gold standard classes. We can think of this as supervised clustering evaluation methods, i.e., external validation methods.